Box T2013-471-473.2
Contains 7 Results:
Administrative and Informational Files (J) - Japan continued, 1997-2000
Administrative and Informational Files (J) - Japan continued, 1997
J-Japan- Mingei of Japan—The Nippon Mingeikan Collection continued: images of objects in exhibition-list of objects; b/w thumbnails with labels in English and Japanese; 5x7” color Xeroxes of objects in exhibition.
Administrative and Informational Files (J) - Japan continued, 1995-1997
Administrative and Informational Files (J) - Japan continued, 1988-2000
Administrative and Informational Files (J) - Japan continued, 1978-1996
J-Japan: Japan Today steering committee minutes; miscellaneous correspondence; The Morikami Museum Capital Campaign information; The Japanese Folk Crafts Museum information; porcelain information from R.G. Osborne, Ltd.; 8x10” b/w image of Japanese theater performance of KAZE NO-KO from Japan Society; information on and performance proposal for The Japanese Noh Show – includes 8 color 3x5” images of performance; Shimaoka photos -b/w 5x7”- one loose -possibly original.
Administrative and Informational Files (K) - Korea - Kazakhstan, 1980-2001
Administrative and Informational Files (M) - Miscellaneous, 1992-2003
Miscellaneous correspondence and ephemera: found in box T2013-471-473; - this information is not in alphabetical order, nor is it related to other material found in box; includes thank you notes, photos of objects and places, exhibition brochures from CAFAM, handwritten list of names and blank piece of letterhead. Note - Box T2013-471-473.2 originally contained a file on Pre-Columbian art. This file was removed to box T2013-474-475.