Box T2013-781.2-C-1 (A-K)
Contains 8 Results:
Executive Documents - D, 1979-2000
Executive Documents - D continued, 1983-1987
D continued - articles (Dolls Magazine) by John Darcy Noble; essay, John Darcy Noble; flyer - Dolls of the Soviet Union; letter from Elena Tsareva.
Executive Documents - E, 1995-2004
E - Enamel - Kay Whitcomb - Correspondence with Martha Longenecker - includes exhibition notices and catalogues; Cloisonnr Museum publication as well as letters and notes; six copies of The Cloisin, enamel newsletter, edited by Whitcomb
Executive Documents - F, 1999-2007
F - Four Quick Baskets work shop proposal; Fieldstone Foundation Leadership Program - Rob Sidner's notice of acceptabne into program.
Executive Documents - F, 1992-2009
Executive Documents - H-J, 2000-2009
Executive Documents - K, 1979-2010
Executive Documents - K continued, 1972-2000
K continued - Art That Soars - Jackie Matisse - articles from Craft Horizons, Arts Magazine, Art in America, Philadelphia Inquirer, L'art dans le ciel, Fundacio Joan Miro, Cerf-Volan Passionm GEO, etc. - subjects include Jackie's creations, the Art-Volant movement; CV - Jacquie Matisse; Review of Henri Matisse exhibition at San Diego Museum of Art; Jackie Matisse interview; correspondence with Martha Longenecker regarding her exhibition; miscellany.